Can You See Yourself?

When you look into the river

can you see yourself? 

What about the ocean? 


Ok, how about when you look at the sun?

Wait! Don’t look at the sun,

you’ll go blind.

Instead, close your eyes, and point them towards its warmth.

How about now? 

Can you see how you are the sun? 

Keep your eyes closed!

Can you feel its rays? 

They are you. 

Still, nothing? 

What about the tomatoes? 

Can you see yourself in them? 

Look deeply.

Deeper! Deeper than that!

Nothing yet? Hmm.

Ok, well, you’re in the flowers too

and the trees

and the mountains.

Keep looking. 

It takes time and patience,

and more patience.   

Ah! I know. 

Can you see yourself when using social media? 

Instagram? Youtube? Tik Tok? Twitter? 

You’re there. 

You’re in every video and every song and every picture and every word. 

I see you there –  


It’s no different than looking into the river. 


I Am Now Much More Than Me


Don’t Forget About Your Hands